Heather Brown

Mixed media artist & disciple of the subconscious

Visual Artist
Originally from Seattle, Heather made her way to Berlin in 2014 and through seemingly random encounters with gifted souls and new materials, solidified her relationship with art. Heather's work is abstract and surreal and she currently works mainly with collage, various inks, watercolour, and acrylic. Trained in sculpting and photography, Heather 'officially' studied history and political sociology at university and graduate school, which has informed the often hidden stories behind her work. Since childhood, surrealist artists - namely Dalí, Ernst, and Magritte - have heavily inspired her, with the dreamlike manifestations of the subconscious mind carried into the waking world. Later, early abstract artists such as Hilma af Klint would spark a love of a heavily intuitive process that is Heather's meditation and deepest connection to the collective consciousness and astral plane. Heather's work has been featured by record label La Luna and she's shown in various groups exhibitions in Berlin. Her next adventure will be assisting with a performative art piece at Waking Life festival in Portugal.
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