shared music

Music Producer
.."I am a strong believer in shared music”... Producer and composer. Residing in Barcelona. More than 10 years making music, 6 self-managed and collectively produced albums. She offers shows in electronic format merging its songs in the style of Dream Pop. Generating a mantric atmosphere of voices, synthesizer loops, guitars, silences. Discografía: - Ausento ( New single)2021 - Residencia (single) 2020 - Nogoyá 2019 - Que 2017 - Circulando 2014 - Calesita (Shimins) 2012 - Moonlight (Shimins) 2008 Fernanda also participates in other projects such as:: *Cofounder & Producer at Las Pibas Producen, a cultural asociation that aims to make visible the music made by women and dissident identities *Founder Giraporlascasas Startup supported by Barcelona Activa - A platform where local ARTISTS promote their shows and USERS (houses, private places in the city) can book them. *selected by the British Council and Mutek Spain as an Equaler in the #weareequals programme
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